November 28, 2010

Welcome to the Hectic Holidays!

Boy has it been busy in this house the last week! And it doesn't look like its going to slow down anytime soon. We have been eating at friends and families the last week. Not too much cooking at home, but have still been eating well and delicious. When we are home its been very light, quick soups or salads to balance the heavy food we are getting elsewhere, and is this an easy, lazy soup! 

Very Quick Tortellini Soup

1 cup beef broth
2 cups chicken stock
garlic powder
onion powder
1 pkg frozen cheese tortellini
fresh parsley
grated Parmesan

Bring stock and broth to a boil, add one pinch each powder. Add tortellini and cook according to package directions. Finish with parsley and grated Parmesan cheese.

Next time I make this I am going to saute some onion slices to add to the soup, and possibly some frozen spinach.

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