November 3, 2010

A Lebanese Feast

I love going out to eat, but on our budget sometimes I have to make the take out. After talking with some friends the other day about Gyros and Falafel, I started craving Middle Eastern food. The hummus and garlic were calling to me (okay, maybe it was just my stomach). I had to have it. So with lentils on the brain already I wanted to make one of my favorite side dishes, Jedra, or Mujaddara to be exact. Luckily I was able to find a recipe here. Served in a pita with some grilled chicken, hummus, lettuce, and pickles it was just like take out!

Ingredients: Lentils, Rice, Onions, Cumin, Cinnamon, Olive Oil, Chicken, Hummus, Pitas, and additional condiments.

Caramelizing the onions is one of my favorite parts! Here's how they start out, just sweating a little bit.

 And after 15 minutes you get these delicious little noms!

What a feast we had! The recipe claims 4 servings, judging from the amount of rice in that bowl I would say at least 6 or more! Sounds good to me, leftovers for lunch this week!

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