November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Wondering what to do with all that left over Halloween candy? Or the reserve candy you bought just in case more kids showed up (or your husband got to it on October 20th)? Why not make more candy from it!

Inspired by a Real Simple Magazine article on what to do with leftover candy I came up with a delicious treat! The recipe calls for white chocolate, but I am not a fan - too sweet! I used semisweet morsels, next time I will use darker chocolate. I actually made two different batches from this recipe. The first, above, was simple but the chocolate was too thick.

For the second try I took the already formed candy and broke it up into small pieces, then added more pretzels and Craisins. Cover the baking sheet with the new mixture and put the baking sheet in the oven set at 200° for 10 minutes. This allows the chocolate to temper and "glue" the pretzels and Craisins together. To serve just break into small pieces and enjoy!

Next time I will just add the extras from the beginning so it looks prettier! But hey, it still tastes good! I wish I had good pictures of the second batch, but we ate it up too fast! The candy never fully sets up, so its best to store in the fridge before eating it.

For the Trick on Halloween I bought these awesome candles that bleed as they burn down! They turned out even more creepy as one bled pink and one just pussed...GROSS!! Eric thought they were the best candles ever!

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