October 31, 2010

Weekly Budget update!

This weekend I spent $13 at Trader Joe's and $66 at Stop & Shop. Because I cooked so much last week I was able to spend less this week!

 Major Purchases: 2 lbs ground beef, package of fresh thyme, 2 filets frozen tilapia, lots of produce!

Good Deals: None this week unless you count all the free candy we keep getting for Halloween!

Meal Planning:
Lentil Soup
Eggplant Parmesan
some sort of chicken with rice??
Leftover Beef Stew
Tilapia (date night!)

Every week I try and make a special "date night" meal to replace going out for dinner. I set the table, light some candles and spend a little more time cooking to make it special. This week I am shooting for sauteed tilapia in a white wine sauce with roasted potatoes and carrots. Wish me luck!!

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